Monday, May 4, 2009

Nicole and Brian's e-session

Nicole and Brian had extremely good luck considering the weather lately when we had their engagement session photos on Saturday. They wanted a little nature in the photos and a little urban Frederick feel. It was also First Saturday so downtown was packed with people. They did a great job of ignoring the crowds and the rest of the world and just related to each other. That's what I love about couples about to be wed, they are the world to each other. And these two were no exception.

I have noticed that many couples have a "signature" pose. This is a pose a couple might do often and naturally, their way of showing affection to one another or one they did one time and loved the way they looked in the pose.

By the end of the shoot, after looking over the images, I realized, Nicole and Brian have a signature pose as well! With no coaching from me they moved together, foreheads touching. The connection between the two of them in this pose is amazing. They are really focused on one another.

Thanks Nicole and Brian, for walking blocks and blocks and trying every one of my poses, but the best ones...were your own!

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